Splatmoji - easier quick pop-up emoji/emoticon input on Linux
I previously posted about an emoji-input method using IBus that required jumping through some hoops and ultimately wasn’t a very pretty UX.
But now I’ve rolled my own, and added Japanese emoticons/kaomoji as a bonus! I’ve titled it Splatmoji, with respect to its wildcard nature for emotive text input.
Quick start:
# sudo apt-get install rofi xdotool xsel || sudo yum install rofi xdotool xsel
git clone https://github.com/cspeterson/splatmoji.git
cd splatmoji
# Call with default emoji and emoticon data files, copy result to clipboard
./splatmoji copy
# Call with default emoji and emoticon data files, type out result
./splatmoji type
# Call with a specific custom data file, copy result to clipboard
./splatmoji copy /path/to/data/file1 /path/to/data/file2
Some suggestions for customizing its configuration, binding it to a key combo in your window manager, using your own emoticon sets, and other bits are in the README.